Przewidywanie ciężkości COVID-19 za pomocą swoistego


Związek między poziomami alarmin w surowicy a wskaźnikami określanymi dla chorób u pacjentów z zapaleniem przeciwciał związanym z cytoplazmatycznymi przeciwciałami przeciw neutrofilom


Wstęp / cel:  Oceniliśmy związek między stężeniem alarmyny w surowicy a wskaźnikami specyficznymi dla choroby u pacjentów z zapaleniem naczyń związanym z przeciwciałami antyneutrofilowymi (ANCA ).

Pacjenci i metody:  Wykorzystano surowice i dane od 79 pacjentów. W przypadku wskaźników specyficznych dla AAV zebrano wynik aktywności zapalenia naczyń Birmingham (BVAS), punktację pięcioczynnikową (FFS) i wskaźnik uszkodzenia zapalenia naczyń (VDI) oraz poziomy czterech alarmin w surowicy (czynnik wzrostu pochodzenia wątrobiaka, białko skrzynki 1 grupy o wysokiej mobilności , S100A9 i S100A12) mierzono za pomocą enzymatycznego testu immunosorpcyjnego. Oceniono związki między poziomami alarmin, wskaźnikami swoistymi dla AAV i laboratoryjnymi markerami stanu zapalnego.

Wyniki:  Poziomy S100A9 były istotnie skorelowane z poziomem białka C-reaktywnego (r = 0,316, p = 0,005), a poziomy S100A12 korelowały z VDI (r = 0,232, p = 0,040), co było zgodne w podgrupie pacjentów z mieloperoksydazą (okołojądrowe ) -ANCA pozytywność. Nie znaleziono innych powiązań między poziomami alarmin a BVAS , FFS i VDI.

Wniosek:  Stężenie S100A12 w surowicy było związane z uszkodzeniem narządów w AAV, zwłaszcza u pacjentów z dodatnim wynikiem badania mieloperoksydazy (okołojądrowej) -ANCA .

Zapalenie skórno-mięśniowe z dodatnim przeciwciałem anty-MDA5 z szybko postępującą śródmiąższową chorobą płuc: opis „Obstawianie”


Przeciwciało dodatnie w zapaleniu skórno  mięśniowym (DM) białku 5 związanym z różnicowaniem czerniaka (MDA5 ) wykazuje wyjątkowe cechy skórne i patologiczne. Opisujemy dwa przypadki szybko postępującej śródmiąższowej choroby płuc związanej z zapaleniem mięśni (RP-ILD).

Pacjentkami były dwie kobiety z Kerali w Indiach. Obaj pacjenci mieli zapalenie mięśni z dodatnim wynikiem oznaczenia przeciwciał anty-MDA5. Obaj pacjenci zgłosili się z RP-ILD bez klinicznych cech zapalenia mięśni i ulegli chorobie pomimo agresywnego leczenia. DM z dodatnim przeciwciałem przeciw MDA5 charakteryzuje się chorobą amiopatyczną z szybko postępującą i śmiertelną ILD.



Human IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein

100-200 20 µg
EUR 196.35
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 26.1 kDa protein consisting of 238 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

Human IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein

100-200S 5 µg
EUR 92.4
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 26.1 kDa protein consisting of 238 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

Recombinant Human IGF-BP4 Protein

PROTP22692-1 20ug
EUR 380.4
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 25.8 kDa protein consisting of 237 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

*Manufactured using (BTI-Tn-5B1-4) cells under license from the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Inc.

Human IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

EUR 341
Description: Human IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

Human IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein Lyophilized

MBS8432291-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein

40-318-0005mg 0.005 mg
EUR 311.1
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 25.8 kDa protein consisting of 237 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

IGF-BP4 Recombinant Protein

40-318-002mg 0.02 mg
EUR 437.1
Description: IGF-BPs control the distribution, function and activity of IGFs in various cell tissues and body fluids. IGF-BP4 is the major IGF-BP produced by osteoblasts, and is also found in the epidermis, ovarian follicles, and other tissues. IGF-BP4 inhibits the activity of IGF-I and IGF-II by binding in a manner that results in the formation of complexes with reduced ability to signal through cell surface IGF receptors. IGF-BP4 can inhibit the growth of chick pelvis cartilage and HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cells by blocking the mitogenic actions of IGFs, and has also been shown to reduce colony formation by colorectal cancer cells via an IGF independent pathway. The biological effects of IGF-BP4 can be regulated by Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein A (PAPP-A), which reduces IGF-BP4/IGF binding affinity by proteolytically cleaving IGF-BP4. The modulation of IGF-BP4 activity by PAPP-A is an important component in the regulation of ovarian folliculogenesis and in the growth inhibition of responding ovarian cancer cells. Recombinant human IGF-BP4 is a 25.8 kDa protein consisting of 237 amino acid residues including the IGF-BP domain and thyroglobulin type-I domain.

Recombinant Human IGF BP3

HEGFP-0903 5ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human IGF BP5

HEGFP-0905 5ug Ask for price

Recombinant Human IGF BP7

HEGFP-0907 5ug Ask for price

human anti-human IGF-1 mAb(6E)

E4A09K04-6E 50ug
EUR 275
Description: Biotin-Conjugated, FITC-Conjugated , AF350 Conjugated , AF405M-Conjugated ,AF488-Conjugated, AF514-Conjugated ,AF532-Conjugated, AF555-Conjugated ,AF568-Conjugated , HRP-Conjugated, AF405S-Conjugated, AF405L-Conjugated , AF546-Conjugated, AF594-Conjugated , AF610-Conjugated, AF635-Conjugated , AF647-Conjugated , AF680-Conjugated , AF700-Conjugated , AF750-Conjugated , AF790-Conjugated , APC-Conjugated , PE-Conjugated , Cy3-Conjugated , Cy5-Conjugated , Cy5.5-Conjugated , Cy7-Conjugated Antibody

human anti-human IGF-1 mAb(8D)

E4A09K04-8D 50ug
EUR 275
Description: Biotin-Conjugated, FITC-Conjugated , AF350 Conjugated , AF405M-Conjugated ,AF488-Conjugated, AF514-Conjugated ,AF532-Conjugated, AF555-Conjugated ,AF568-Conjugated , HRP-Conjugated, AF405S-Conjugated, AF405L-Conjugated , AF546-Conjugated, AF594-Conjugated , AF610-Conjugated, AF635-Conjugated , AF647-Conjugated , AF680-Conjugated , AF700-Conjugated , AF750-Conjugated , AF790-Conjugated , APC-Conjugated , PE-Conjugated , Cy3-Conjugated , Cy5-Conjugated , Cy5.5-Conjugated , Cy7-Conjugated Antibody

Rabbit Anti Human RIPK1 Monoclonal Clone IGF-18

EUR 496
Description: Rabbit Anti Human RIPK1 Monoclonal Clone IGF-18

Human IGF-BP7

MBS691503-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP7

MBS691503-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP7

MBS691503-5x0025mg 5x0.025mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-BP6

MBS691832-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP6

MBS691832-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP6

MBS691832-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-BP3

MBS692057-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP3

MBS692057-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP3

MBS692057-5x0025mg 5x0.025mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-BP2

MBS692085-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP2

MBS692085-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP2

MBS692085-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-BP1

MBS692092-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP1

MBS692092-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP1

MBS692092-5x0025mg 5x0.025mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-BP5

MBS692152-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-BP5

MBS692152-0025mg 0.025mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-BP5

MBS692152-5x0025mg 5x0.025mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-1

MBS691641-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-1

MBS691641-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-1

MBS691641-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-2

MBS691655-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-2

MBS691655-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-2

MBS691655-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1725

IGF-BP3, Human

HY-P7020 10ug
EUR 280.8

IGF-BP5, Human

HY-P7021 50ug
EUR 721.2

IGF-BP3, human

RC216-12B3 5ug
EUR 125.26

IGF BP3 antibody

70R-IR022 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP3 antibody

IGF BP5 antibody

70R-IR023 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP5 antibody

IGF BP7 antibody

70R-IR024 50 ug
EUR 312
Description: Affinity purified Rabbit polyclonal IGF BP7 antibody

IGF BP7 antibody

MBS535700-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 465

IGF BP7 antibody

MBS535700-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1945

IGF BP3 antibody

MBS535722-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 465

IGF BP3 antibody

MBS535722-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1945

IGF BP5 antibody

MBS535907-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 465

IGF BP5 antibody

MBS535907-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1945

Anti-Human IGF-BP1 Antibody

101-M457 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP2 Antibody

101-M458 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP3 Antibody

101-M459 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP5 Antibody

101-M461 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP6 Antibody

101-M462 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP7 Antibody

101-M463 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP3 Antibody

102-P144 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP5 Antibody

102-P232 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

Anti-Human IGF-BP7 Antibody

102-P233 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: The superfamily of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding proteins include the six high-affinity IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) and several low-affinity binding proteins referred to as IGFBP related proteins (IGFBP-rP). All IGFBP superfamily members are cysteine-rich proteins with conserved cysteine residues, which are clustered in the amino- and carboxy-terminal thirds of the molecule. IGFBPs modulate the biological activities of IGF proteins. Some IGFBPs may also have intrinsic bioactivity that is independent of their ability to bind IGF proteins. Post-translational modifications of IGFBP, including glycosylation, phosphorylation and proteolysis, have been shown to modify the affinities of the binding proteins to IGF.

IGF-1, Human

HY-P7018 10ug
EUR 129.6

IGF-2, Human

HY-P7019 100ug
EUR 432

IGF-1 (Human)

MBS352114-1Bottle 1Bottle
EUR 350

IGF-1 (Human)

MBS352114-5x1Bottle 5x1Bottle
EUR 1490

IGF-1 (Human)

MBS352116-01mL 0.1mL
EUR 450

IGF-1 (Human)

MBS352116-5x01mL 5x0.1mL
EUR 1950

IGF-2 (Human)

MBS352118-1Bottle 1Bottle
EUR 350

IGF-2 (Human)

MBS352118-5x1Bottle 5x1Bottle
EUR 1490

IGF-1, human

RC216-12 1mg
EUR 451.5

Recombinant Human LR3 IGF-I/IGF-1

PH2031-.01 10ug
EUR 208
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Recombinant Human LR3 IGF-I/IGF-1

PH2031-.1 10X10ug
EUR 496
Description: Peptides & Proteins|Recombinant Proteins

Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Recombinant, Human (Human IGF-II, IGF-II, IGFII, IGFII, IGF2, IGF-2, IGF 2)

MBS635918-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 495

Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Recombinant, Human (Human IGF-II, IGF-II, IGFII, IGFII, IGF2, IGF-2, IGF 2)

MBS635918-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2075

Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Recombinant, Human (Human IGF-II, IGF-II, IGFII, IGFII, IGF2, IGF-2, IGF 2)

MBS650945-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 390

Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Recombinant, Human (Human IGF-II, IGF-II, IGFII, IGFII, IGF2, IGF-2, IGF 2)

MBS650945-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 540

Insulin-Like Growth Factor II, Recombinant, Human (Human IGF-II, IGF-II, IGFII, IGFII, IGF2, IGF-2, IGF 2)

MBS650945-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 2275

Anti-Human IGF-1 Antibody

101-M454 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-2 Antibody

101-M456 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-1 Antibody

102-P28 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Anti-Human IGF-2 Antibody

102-P29 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I (also known as somatomedin C and somatomedin A) and IGF-II (multiplication stimulating activity or MSA) belong to the family of insulin-like growth factors that are structurally homologous to proinsulin. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II share approximately 70% sequence identity. Both IGF-I and IGF-II are expressed in many tissues and cell types and may have autocrine, paracrine and endocrine functions. Mature IGF-I and IGF-II are highly conserved between the human, bovine and porcine proteins (100% identity), and exhibit cross-species activity.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A565 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 565.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A633 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 633.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A655 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 655.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A680 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 680.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-A700 0.1mg
EUR 480
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to ATTO 700.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-APCCY7 0.1mg
EUR 565.2
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to APC/Cy7.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY350 0.1mg
EUR 496.8
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 350.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY405 0.1mg
EUR 483.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 405.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY488 0.1mg
EUR 471.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 488.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY594 0.1mg
EUR 474
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 594.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-DY633 0.1mg
EUR 468
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Dylight 633.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-P594 0.1mg
EUR 488.4
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to PE/ATTO 594.

Antibody for Human IGF-1

SPC-699D-STR 0.1mg
EUR 477.6
Description: A polyclonal antibody for IGF-1 from Human | Mouse. The antibody is produced in rabbit after immunization with human synthetic peptide from the mid-protein of Human IGF-1. The Antibody is tested and validated for WB, ICC/IF, IHC assays with the following recommended dilutions: WB (1:1000); ICC/IF (1:100); IHC (1:50). This IGF-1 antibody is conjugated to Streptavidin.

Human IGF-I

GWB-4FCE40 0.1 mg Ask for price

Human IGF-I

MBS400113-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Human IGF-I

MBS400117-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 170

Human IGF-I

MBS400117-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 235

Human IGF-I

MBS400117-10mg 10mg
EUR 1595

Human IGF-I

MBS400117-1mg 1mg
EUR 305

Human IGF-I

MBS400117-5mg 5mg
EUR 940

Human IGF-I / IGF-II Panel, Antigen Standard: Pre-Mixed

SMX470 2 Plex
EUR 150

Human Salivary IGF-salivary IGF- ELISA Kit

QY-E05383 96T
EUR 400

IGF-I, Human

E34M113H 20 μg
EUR 155
Description: Recombinant Human Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte Protein 4 is produced by our Mammalian expression system and the target gene encoding Lys36-Asp161 is expressed with a Flag tag at the C-terminus.

IGF-I, Human

MBS8575270-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 245

IGF-I, Human

MBS8575270-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 940

IGF-II, Human

E34M114H 5 μg
EUR 155

IGF-II, Human

MBS8575271-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 245

IGF-II, Human

MBS8575271-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 940

Human IGF-1 LR3

MBS692296-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 300

Human IGF-1 LR3

MBS692296-1mg 1mg
EUR 450

Human IGF-1 LR3

MBS692296-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 1725

Human IGF-1 LR3

SP-89927-100 100 ug
EUR 270

Przewidywanie ciężkości COVID-19 za pomocą swoistego przeciwciała nukleokapsydowego i poszukiwania ryzyka choroby


Pilnie potrzebne są skuteczne metody przewidywania trajektorii choroby COVID-19. W tym przypadku enzymatyczny take a look at immunosorbentu (ELISA) i analiza mikromacierzy antygenów koronawirusa (COVAM) zmapowały epitopy przeciwciał w osoczu pacjentów z COVID-19 ( n  = 86) doświadczających szerokiego zakresu stanów chorobowych. Eksperymenty zidentyfikowały przeciwciała przeciwko 21-resztowemu epitopowi z nukleokapsydu (zwanego Ep9) związanym z ciężką chorobą, w tym przyjęciem na oddział intensywnej opieki medycznej (OIOM), zapotrzebowaniem na respiratory lub śmiercią.

Co ważne, przeciwciała anty-Ep9 można wykryć w ciągu 6 dni od wystąpienia objawów, a czasami w ciągu 1 dnia. Ponadto przeciwciała anty-Ep9 korelują z różnymi chorobami współistniejącymi i cechami nadpobudliwości immunologicznej. Wprowadzamy prostą do obliczenia punktację czynnika ryzyka choroby, aby oszacować ilościowo choroby współistniejące i wiek każdego pacjenta. W przypadku pacjentów z przeciwciałami anty-Ep9 , wyniki powyżej 3,Zero przewidują cięższe wyniki choroby ze współczynnikiem prawdopodobieństwa 13,42 (swoistość 96,7%).

Wyniki położyły podwaliny pod nowy typ prognostyczny COVID-19, umożliwiający wczesną identyfikację i segregację pacjentów wysokiego ryzyka. Takie informacje mogą pomóc w skuteczniejszej interwencji terapeutycznej. ZNACZENIE  Pandemia COVID-19 spowodowała ponad dwa miliony zgonów na całym świecie. Pomimo wysiłków w walce z wirusem choroba nadal przytłacza szpitale ciężko chorymi pacjentami.

Diagnozę COVID-19 można łatwo przeprowadzić dzięki wielu niezawodnym platformom testowym; jednak prognozy prognostyczne pozostają nieuchwytne. W tym celu zidentyfikowaliśmy krótki epitop z białka nukleokapsydu SARS-CoV-2, a także ocenę czynnika ryzyka choroby opartą na chorobach współistniejących i wieku. Obecność przeciwciał specyficznie wiążących się z tym epitopem oraz punkt odcięcia może przewidywać ciężkie wyniki COVID-19 ze swoistością 96,7%.

Opis przypadku: autoimmunologiczne zapalenie mózgu z przeciwciałami dekarboksylazy kwasu przeciwglutaminowego: seria „pediatrycznych”

Wstęp:  Przeciwciała przeciwko dekarboksylazie kwasu glutaminowego (GAD) są związane z różnymi schorzeniami neurologicznymi opisywanymi u pacjentów, w tym z zespołem sztywnej osoby, ataksją móżdżkową, padaczką oporną na leczenie oraz limbicznym i pozalimbicznym zapaleniem mózgu. Odnotowano kilka opisów przypadków i badań dotyczących zapalenia mózgu związanego z przeciwciałami anty-GAD65 w populacjach dorosłych, ale przypadki pediatryczne są rzadkie. Przeanalizowaliśmy retrospektywnie dane kliniczne trzech pacjentów z dodatnim wynikiem przeciwciał anty-GAD65, aby zbadać różnorodność i cechy kliniczne dziecięcego autoimmunologicznego zapalenia mózgu związanego z przeciwciałami anty-GAD65.

Metody: retrospektywnie przeanalizowano  dane kliniczne serii trzech pacjentów z dodatnim wynikiem na obecność przeciwciał anty-GAD65 . Przeciwciała GAD65 oznaczano w surowicy i płynie mózgowo-rdzeniowym przy użyciu testu opartego na komórkach.

Wyniki:  Wszyscy trzej pacjenci byli kobietami, a wiek zachorowania wynosił four lata i 9 miesięcy, 6 lat i 16 lat. Ich fenotypy kliniczne obejmowały autoimmunologiczne limbiczne zapalenie mózgu, pozalimbiczne zapalenie mózgu i zapalenie mózgu łączące limbiczne i pozalimbiczne zapalenie mózgu. Objawy kliniczne obejmowały drgawki, deficyty pamięci, senność, dysautonomię i ból głowy. Wszyscy pacjenci mieli nieprawidłowy rezonans magnetyczny i zapis EEG w okolicy karnalnej. Wszyscy pacjenci otrzymali immunoterapię i wykazywali przejściowo dobrą odpowiedź , ale u jednego pacjenta doszło do nawrotu choroby. W trakcie obserwacji jeden pacjent z pozalimbicznym zapaleniem mózgu całkowicie wyzdrowiał, podczas gdy dwóch pacjentów z zajęciem układu limbicznego miało słabe wyniki z oporną na leczenie ogniskową padaczką.

Wniosek:  Oprócz limbicznego zapalenia mózgu, pozalimbiczne zapalenie mózgu jest również ważnym fenotypem u pacjentów z dodatnim wynikiem na obecność przeciwciał anty-GAD65. Wczesna diagnoza i immunoterapia mogą złagodzić objawy. Jednak pacjenci z limbicznym zapaleniem mózgu często mają padaczkę oporną na leczenie w fazie przewlekłej i mają złe wyniki odległe.

Charakterystyka przeciwciał monoklonalnych przeciw tężcowi jako pierwszy krok w kierunku badania immunologicznego na produkt szczepionki in vitro


Testy zwalniania serii dla ludzkich i weterynaryjnych szczepionek przeciw tężcowi nadal w dużym stopniu opierają się na metodach z udziałem zwierząt, zwłaszcza w badaniach siły działania. Ilość i jakość antygenu tężcowego obecnego w tych produktach ma ogromne znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa produktu i efektu klinicznego. Metody immunochemiczne, które mierzą spójność zawartości i jakości antygenu, potencjalnie jako wskaźnik siły działania, mogą być lepszym wyborem i negować potrzebę testu siły in vivo. Te metody immunochemiczne wymagają co najmniej jednego dobrze scharakteryzowanego przeciwciała monoklonalnego (mAb), które jest specyficzne dla docelowego antygenu. W tym artykule przedstawiamy wyniki kompleksowego scharakteryzowania panelu mAb przeciwko tężcowi w celu wybrania przeciwciał, które mogą być użyte doopracowanie testu immunologicznego siły działania in vitro .

Mamy oceniać wiązanie przeciwciała do antygenu (natywnej toksyny), detoksykowany antygen (tężca) zaadsorbowanego antygenu i antygenu ciepła zmienione. Funkcję przeciwciał określono za pomocą wewnętrznego testu neutralizacji opartego na komórkach, aby potwierdzić wcześniejsze dane o sile działania in vivo, które były dostępne dla niektórych, ale nie wszystkich przeciwciał. Ponadto zmierzono powinowactwo przeciwciał i przeprowadzono analizę współzawodnictwa epitopów w celu zidentyfikowania par przeciwciał, które można zastosować w formacie testu immunologicznego kanapkowego. Nie wszystkie testy charakteryzacji dostarczyły dowodów na „wyższość” jednego mAb nad innym, ale łącznie wyniki wszystkich badań charakteryzacji pozwoliły na wybór pary przeciwciał, które miały być wykorzystane do opracowania testu.

CXCL7 (48-109), Mouse

MBS8575412-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 245

CXCL7 (48-109), Mouse

MBS8575412-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 940


CEK2061 96T
EUR 538
Description: Sandwich ELKSA for quantitative detection of Mouse CXCL7 concentrations.


MBS8291406-5x96Tests 5x96Tests
EUR 2755


MBS8291406-96Tests 96Tests
EUR 620

Mouse Anti Human Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7)

MBS140066-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 440

Mouse Anti Human Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7)

MBS140066-1mg 1mg
EUR 600

Mouse Anti Human Neutrophil Activating Protein-2 (CXCL7)

MBS140066-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 2375

Rat Monoclonal anti-mouse CXCL7

mAP-0211 100ug
EUR 250

Anti-Human CXCL7 Antibody

101-M357 100 µg
EUR 399
Description: NAP-2 or CXCL7 is a CXC chemokine that can signal through the CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors. It is produced in leukocytes by enzymatic processing of a precursor called platelet basic protein (PBP). NAP-2 chemoattracts and activates neutrophils. Recombinant human NAP-2 protein is a 7.6 kDa protein containing 70 amino acid residues including the four highly conserved cysteine residues present in CXC chemokines, and also including the “ELR” motif common to CXC chemokines that bind to CXCR1 and CXCR2.

CXCL7 (PPBP) mouse monoclonal antibody, Azide Free

PM1210P 500 µg Ask for price

Mouse PPBP/CXCL7 PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS1751073-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2755

Mouse PPBP/CXCL7 PicoKine ELISA Kit

MBS1751073-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 600

Mouse CXCL7/PPBP ELISA Kit PicoKine®

EK0730 96 wells
EUR 499
Description: Mouse PPBP/CXCL7 ELISA Kit PicoKine® (96 Tests). Quantitate Mouse Ppbp in cell culture supernatants, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA). Sensitivity: 2pg/ml.

Mouse CXCL7/Thymus Chemokine-1 ELISA Kit

E16ME0075 96T
EUR 833.33

Anti-Human NAP-2 (CXCL7)

MBS550706-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 260

Anti-Human NAP-2 (CXCL7)

MBS550706-02mg 0.2mg
EUR 335

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (40-113) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569986-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 270

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (40-113) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569986-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 690

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (40-113) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569986-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3105

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (48-109) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569987-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 270

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (48-109) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569987-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 690

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (48-109) protein (N-His)(active)

MBS2569987-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3105

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (40-113) protein(N-His)(active)

PKSM041515-100ug 100ug
EUR 739
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (40-113) protein(N-His)(active)

PKSM041515-20ug 20ug
EUR 249
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (48-109) protein(N-His)(active)

PKSM041516-100ug 100ug
EUR 739
Description: Mouse

Recombinant Mouse CXCL7 (48-109) protein(N-His)(active)

PKSM041516-20ug 20ug
EUR 249
Description: Mouse

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7,CXCL7 ELISA KIT

E2614Mo-1096T 10*96T
EUR 4122

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7,CXCL7 ELISA KIT

E2614Mo-48wells 48 wells
EUR 300

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7,CXCL7 ELISA KIT

E2614Mo-596T 5*96T
EUR 2061

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7,CXCL7 ELISA KIT

E2614Mo-96wells 96 wells
EUR 458

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7,CXCL7 ELISA KIT

JOT-EK2614Mo 96 wells Ask for price
Description: Mouse

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7, CXCL7 ELISA Kit

MBS1603801-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 3955

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7, CXCL7 ELISA Kit

MBS1603801-48StripWells 48-Strip-Wells
EUR 305

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7, CXCL7 ELISA Kit

MBS1603801-5x96StripWells 5x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 2005

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7, CXCL7 ELISA Kit

MBS1603801-96StripWells 96-Strip-Wells
EUR 475

Mouse CXC-Chemokine Ligand 7, CXCL7 GENLISA ELISA

KLM2614 1 x 96 wells
EUR 341

Anti-Human NAP-2 (CXCL7) Antibody

101-M81 500 µg
EUR 246.75
Description: NAP-2 is a CXC chemokine that can signal through the CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors. It is produced in leukocytes by enzymatic processing of a precursor called platelet basic protein (PBP). NAP-2 chemoattracts and activates neutrophils. Recombinant human NAP-2 protein is a 7-8 kDa protein containing 70 amino acid residues including the four highly conserved cysteine residues present in CXC chemokines, and also including the “ELR” motif common to CXC chemokines that bind to CXCR1 and CXCR2.

Anti-Human NAP-2 (CXCL7) Antibody

102-P191G 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: Neutrophil Activating Peptide 2 (NAP2), Connective Tissue Activating Protein III (CTAPIII) and βthrombogulin ( βTG), are proteolytically processed carboxylterminal fragments of platelet basic protein (PBP) which is found in the alphagranules of human platelets. NAP2 is a member of the CXC chemokines. Similar to other ELR domain containing CXC chemokines such as IL8 and the GRO proteins, NAP2 has been shown to bind CXCR2 and to chemoattract and activate neutrophils. Although CTAPIII, βTG and PBP represent aminoterminal extended variants of NAP 2 and possess the same CXC chemokine domains, these proteins do not exhibit NAP2 activity. It has been shown that the additional aminoterminal residues of CTAP III masks the critical ELR receptor binding domain that is exposed on NAP2 and may account for lack of NAP2 activity.

Anti-Human NAP-2 (CXCL7) Antibody

102-P71 100 µg
EUR 245.7
Description: NAP-2 is a CXC chemokine that can signal through the CXCR1 and CXCR2 receptors. It is produced in leukocytes by enzymatic processing of a precursor called platelet basic protein (PBP). NAP-2 chemoattracts and activates neutrophils. Recombinant human NAP-2 protein is a 7-8 kDa protein containing 70 amino acid residues including the four highly conserved cysteine residues present in CXC chemokines, and also including the “ELR” motif common to CXC chemokines that bind to CXCR1 and CXCR2.

Mouse Platelet Basic Protein / CXCL7 (PPBP) ELISA Kit

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 96 tests
  • 5 × 96 tests
  • 10 × 96 tests

Mouse Platelet Basic Protein / CXCL7 (PPBP) ELISA Kit

abx254521-96tests 96 tests
EUR 493.75

Mouse Pro-Platelet Basic Protein (CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EUR 702
Description: Mouse Pro-Platelet Basic Protein (CXCL7) ELISA Kit

Mouse Pro-Platelet Basic Protein (CXCL7) ELISA Kit

MBS8420837-1Kit 1Kit
EUR 755

Mouse Pro-Platelet Basic Protein (CXCL7) ELISA Kit

MBS8420837-5x1Kit 5x1Kit
EUR 3455


ELA-E0041r 96 Tests
EUR 1063.2

CXCL7/PBP Antibody

DF6695 200ul
EUR 420

CXCL7/PBP Antibody

DF6695-100ul 100ul
EUR 168
Description: WB,IHC,IF/ICC,ELISA(peptide)

CXCL7/PBP Antibody

DF6695-200ul 200ul
EUR 210
Description: WB,IHC,IF/ICC,ELISA(peptide)

CXCL7 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (aa 40-113, His Tag)

E45M52851E1-50 50 ug
EUR 805.73

CXCL7 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (aa 40-113, His Tag)

MBS8122558-005mg 0.05mg
EUR 395

CXCL7 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (aa 40-113, His Tag)

MBS8122558-5x005mg 5x0.05mg
EUR 1635

Human CXCL7 Antibody

32852-05111 150 ug
EUR 215


E34M164H 5 μg
EUR 155

CXCL7, Human

MBS8575321-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 245

CXCL7, Human

MBS8575321-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 940

Anti-Human PPBP/CXCL7/NAP-2 Antibody

MBS1569895-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 375

Anti-Human PPBP/CXCL7/NAP-2 Antibody

MBS1569895-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1390

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

SYP-M0280-48wellsplate 48 wells plate
EUR 180

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

SYP-M0280-96wellsplate 96 wells plate
EUR 220

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

RE3404M-48wells 48 wells
EUR 116.55

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

RE3404M-48wellsplate 48-wells plate
EUR 126

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

RE3404M-96wells 96 wells
EUR 161.55

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2(Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

RE3404M-96wellsplate 96-wells plate
EUR 180

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-EL-M1269-24Tests 24 Tests
EUR 150
Description: Sandwich

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-EL-M1269-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 487
Description: Sandwich

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-EL-M1269-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 609
Description: Sandwich

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-EL-M1269-96Tests10 96 Tests *10
EUR 6090
Description: Sandwich

Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-EL-M1269-96Tests5 96 Tests *5
EUR 3045
Description: Sandwich

Sheep Polyclonal anti-Human CXCL7 (NAP-2)

hAP-5825 50ug
EUR 400

ELISA kit for Mouse ?TG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2 (Thromboglobulin, Beta)

E-EL-M1269 1 plate of 96 wells
EUR 640.8
Description: A sandwich ELISA kit for quantitative measurement of Mouse ?TG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2 (Thromboglobulin, Beta) in samples from Serum, Plasma, Cell supernatant

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKU02713-48T 48T
EUR 514.08

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKU02713-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 3488.4

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKU02713-96T 96T
EUR 734.4

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKN43824-48T 48T
EUR 350.42

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKN43824-5x96T 5x96T
EUR 2377.85

Mouse Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 7 ( CXCL7) ELISA Kit

EKN43824-96T 96T
EUR 500.6


PR27118 2 ug
EUR 97.2


PR27118-B each
EUR 184.5

EasyPro Mouse Thromboglobulin, Beta(βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2)ELISA Kit

FY-EM3404S each
EUR 520
Description: 4.69 pg/mL

Human NAP2(CXCL7)

90222-A 2 µg
EUR 130
Description: Recombinant NAP-2 is a disulfide-linked monomeric protein consisting of 71 amino acid residues and migrates as an approximately 8 kDa protein under non-reducing conditions and reducing conditions in SDS-PAGE. Optimized DNA sequence encoding Human NAP-2 (CXCL7) mature chain was expressed in E. coli.

Human NAP2(CXCL7)

90222-B 10 µg
EUR 205
Description: Recombinant NAP-2 is a disulfide-linked monomeric protein consisting of 71 amino acid residues and migrates as an approximately 8 kDa protein under non-reducing conditions and reducing conditions in SDS-PAGE. Optimized DNA sequence encoding Human NAP-2 (CXCL7) mature chain was expressed in E. coli.

CXCL7 Rabbit pAb

E2160414 100ul
EUR 225
Description: Biotin-Conjugated, FITC-Conjugated , AF350 Conjugated , AF405M-Conjugated ,AF488-Conjugated, AF514-Conjugated ,AF532-Conjugated, AF555-Conjugated ,AF568-Conjugated , HRP-Conjugated, AF405S-Conjugated, AF405L-Conjugated , AF546-Conjugated, AF594-Conjugated , AF610-Conjugated, AF635-Conjugated , AF647-Conjugated , AF680-Conjugated , AF700-Conjugated , AF750-Conjugated , AF790-Conjugated , APC-Conjugated , PE-Conjugated , Cy3-Conjugated , Cy5-Conjugated , Cy5.5-Conjugated , Cy7-Conjugated Antibody

Uncoated Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-UNEL-M0083-24Tests 24 Tests Ask for price
Description: Sandwich

Uncoated Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-UNEL-M0083-48Tests 48 Tests
EUR 958
Description: Sandwich

Uncoated Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-UNEL-M0083-96Tests 96 Tests
EUR 399
Description: Sandwich

Uncoated Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-UNEL-M0083-96Tests10 96 Tests *10
EUR 3990
Description: Sandwich

Uncoated Mouse βTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2-Thromboglobulin, Beta- ELISA Kit

E-UNEL-M0083-96Tests5 96 Tests *5
EUR 1995
Description: Sandwich

Uncoated Mouse betaTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2 (Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

MBS2571903-15x96Tests3xMBS2571967AncillaryKit 15x96Tests+3xMBS2571967(AncillaryKit)
EUR 1565

Uncoated Mouse betaTG/PBP/CXCL7/NAP2 (Thromboglobulin, Beta) ELISA Kit

MBS2571903-5x96TestsMBS2571967AncillaryKit 5x96Tests+MBS2571967(AncillaryKit)
EUR 670

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